Friday, January 21, 2005

Another Inauguration, another term for Mr Bush

Another 4 years; listening to president Bush's speech it seemed that he was genuinely concerned with freedom around the globe, but is it not hypocrisy to suggest he is for freedom when his government is supporting regimes who are only too willing to crush the voices of their citizens. How will he push freedom into the prisons of Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and most of the Middle East where the US needs to maintain open oil routes?
And if he wants freedom then perhaps he can open the borders to Mexico, and legalise all those aliens employed in the US market. It's about time that Western leaders started to think through their words rather than employ them as headline catchers. The US is a great country, but it needs to clear it own backyard before it starts to clean up the world; perhaps signing up to the Kyoto Accord may be a start.


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